Friday, October 23, 2015

Epic 2015 video

We were asked to write what was correct and what was incorrect on the video EPIC 2015.

For the Epic 2015 video (which was uploaded to YouTube on 03NOV07) here is what I saw that was correct:

'89-Tim Burton-lee invented World Wide Web
'94- Amazon was created
'98-Google was born
'99- blogger came out
'02- Friendster was created
'02- Google New is edited by computers
'02- Picasa was introduced (?)
'04- Gmail is created
'07- Microsoft was born

What I found to be incorrect:

'06- Google creates google grid limitless storage
'08- Google and Amazon merge to create googlezon
'08- MSN buys newsbotster- where you can store news and can comment on what you see
'08- New York Times goes to on-line paid prescription and streaming is open to googlezon people
'08- Microsoft and googlezon go head to head
'11- New York Times sues googlezon for copy write (fact stripping robots) and takes it to supreme court
4AUG11- Supreme court favors googlezon
Sunday March 4th, 2014- EPIC is born Evolving Personalized Information Construct- customized package for everyone.
'14- N.Y.T. goes off -line and is print only for the elite and elderly
'15- Pinky events a tag broadcast where people can tag those around them and upload video's/photo's

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